- AssistiveTechnology Implementation: Working Together to Make a Measurable Difference
- The purpose of this module is to learn the purposes and results of AT, big ideas in AT implementation, planning for AT implementation, and evaluating the effectiveness of AT implementation.
- The model is broken down into 4 easy to understand steps
- Step 1: Review present levels of performance and evaluation data
- Step 2: Develop goals and objectives
- Step 3: Determine if any tasks are difficult or impossible for the student.
- Step 4: Decide whether or not AT services and devices are required and document decisions.
- Dynamic AT evaluation (DATE)
- Identify areas of concern
- Gather information
- Analyze information
- Generate and prioritize potential solutions
- Develop and Evaluation Action Plan (EAP)
- Conduct trials and collect data on effectiveness
- Formulate recommendations
- Document
- When making recommendations
- Devices- what and why
- Services- what, why, and for whom
- Supports
- Training- content and for whom
- Follow-up
- other needs or considerations
- Ways to Use Assistive Technology
- support achievement goals
- expand educational/vocational options
- increase participation in educational setting and activities
- increase productivity
- increase independence
- improve quality of life
- At implementation focuses on functional areas of concern, when and where they occur
- functional skills include: reading, writing, hearing, seeing, behavior, recreation, communication etc.
- Effectiveness of Evaluation
- clearly defined responsibilities
- related to one or more goals
- ongoing process
- takes place across environments and activities
- quantitative and qualitative changes
- SETT Framework to establish baseline
- Student- present levels, areas of concern, desires, expectations
- Environment- arrangement, support, materials and equipment, access
- Tasks- communication, instruction, participation, productivity,
- Tools- accommodations, modifications, AT, supports, services, training
- Demonstration Planning Form
- Powerpoint
- Making it Work: Effective Implementation of Assistive Technology
- A successful implementation is:
- Collaborative
- systematic
- recursive
- flexible
- based on curricular goals and needs
- An effective AT implementation plan has the following steps:
- Gather relevant information
- Establish IEP goals
- conduct assistive technology trial
- Identify AT solution
- Develop Implementation Plan
- Adapt lessons for AT integration
- follow up and plan transition
- Challenges or barriers to effective AT implementation
- Student:
- not motivated or interested in the AT solution put in place
- did not participate in the selection process
- not adequately trained
- Team:
- no planning time for the use of technology
- not all team members are involved
- not ready to technically implement the device
- Environment
- resource not available
- school setting do not have space or equipment to support technology
- Technology
- it is too complex to be effectively implemented in the time frame
- does not function well in school environment
- Methods of Gathering data
- information forms/checklists
- work samples
- client observation
- photographs and video
- interviews
- review of the relevant search
- formal professional assessments (SLP, OT, PT, physicians)
- Assistive Technology Model Operating Guidelines
- University of Kentucky Assistive Technology (UKAT) Project
- http://www.connsensebulletin.com/atenconsider.html
- http://www.joyzabala.com/Documents.html
Dell, A., Newton, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive technology in the classroom. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Elyse, you gave a lot of information for any reader to understand. I would try changing the font color to help break up each part of this post. Other than that it seems like you really understand what you are writing on.