Friday, April 12, 2013

Assistive Technology Implementation Resources

The information listed below is a shortened version of the information that be found on the websites.  The information below is a basic introduction about successfully implementing AT into a students life.  Please click on each of the links to the resources listed below and learn more.  The amount of valuable information for educators on these websites is enormous and completely valuable, both would be beneficial to revert back to when the time comes to use AT with a student.
  • AssistiveTechnology Implementation: Working Together to Make a Measurable Difference
    • The purpose of this module is to learn the purposes and results of AT, big ideas in AT implementation, planning for AT implementation, and evaluating the effectiveness of AT implementation.
    • The model is broken down into 4 easy to understand steps
      • Step 1: Review present levels of performance and evaluation data
      • Step 2: Develop goals and objectives
      • Step 3: Determine if any tasks are difficult or impossible for the student.
      • Step 4: Decide whether or not AT services and devices are required and document decisions.
    • Dynamic AT evaluation (DATE)
      • Identify areas of concern
      • Gather information
      • Analyze information
      • Generate and prioritize potential solutions
      • Develop and Evaluation Action Plan (EAP)
      • Conduct trials and collect data on effectiveness
      • Formulate recommendations
      • Document
    • When making recommendations
      • Devices- what and why
      • Services- what, why, and for whom
      • Supports
      • Training- content and for whom
      • Follow-up
      • other needs or considerations
    • Ways to Use Assistive Technology
      • support achievement goals
      • expand educational/vocational options
      • increase participation in educational setting and activities
      • increase productivity
      • increase independence
      • improve quality of life
    • At implementation focuses on functional areas of concern, when and where they occur
      • functional skills include: reading, writing, hearing, seeing, behavior, recreation, communication etc. 
    • Effectiveness of Evaluation
      • clearly defined responsibilities
      • related to one or more goals
      • ongoing process
      • takes place across environments and activities
      • quantitative and qualitative changes
    • SETT Framework to establish baseline
      • Student- present levels, areas of concern, desires, expectations
      • Environment- arrangement, support, materials and equipment, access 
      • Tasks- communication, instruction, participation, productivity, 
      • Tools- accommodations, modifications, AT, supports, services, training
    • Demonstration Planning Form
    • Powerpoint
  • Making it Work: Effective Implementation of Assistive Technology
    • A successful implementation is:
      • Collaborative
      • systematic
      • recursive
      • flexible
      • based on curricular goals and needs
    • An effective AT implementation plan has the following steps:
      • Gather relevant information
      • Establish IEP goals
      • conduct assistive technology trial
      • Identify AT solution
      • Develop Implementation Plan
      • Adapt lessons for AT integration
      • follow up and plan transition
    • Challenges or barriers to effective AT implementation
      • Student: 
        • not motivated or interested in the AT solution put in place
        • did not participate in the selection process
        • not adequately trained
      • Team:
        • no planning time for the use of technology
        • not all team members are involved
        • not ready to technically implement the device
      • Environment
        • resource not available
        • school setting do not have space or equipment to support technology
      • Technology
        • it is too complex to be effectively implemented in the time frame 
        • does not function well in school environment
    • Methods of Gathering data
      • information forms/checklists
      • work samples 
      • client observation
      • photographs and video
      • interviews
      • review of the relevant search
      • formal professional assessments (SLP, OT, PT, physicians)
Additional Resources:

Dell, A., Newton, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive technology in the classroom. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

1 comment:

  1. Elyse, you gave a lot of information for any reader to understand. I would try changing the font color to help break up each part of this post. Other than that it seems like you really understand what you are writing on.
